This is the creation of Alpacado Software Solution. This is an umbrella group name for multiple projects that I have in mind.

A quick background on the name “ALPACADO”. It’s a cross of Alpaca and Avocado. Period.

So this site is built on jekyll following exactly as the website stated:

jekyll new landing-page
cd landing-page
jekyll serve

Thanks to Jekyll. Please check out the following resources Jekyll docs Jekyll’s GitHub repo

Next I guess I should introduce the environment I am currently using. Having attended Polyglot Unconference 2016 @ Vancouver, I attempted to make my environment for like home (dotfiles).

So I am currently using a Macbook Air and using fish shell brew install fish

For fish plug-in manager, I chose fisherman. Also I strongly suggest metro for the powerline look fish metro

Next I use rvm to handle ruby versions RVM doc

For text editors I am using VIM. Yes that’s right. brew install macvim

Oh and for VIM I am now using Neobundle for plugins.

So I did indeed hit some complication with all this python versioning, vim, powerline vimrc, bash, fish… There’s a very nice guide that solved my problem Redemption in a Blog - Installing Powerline on OSX

Then there’s more problem with RVM versioning and fish and vim… fish integration

The problem comes when your rvm’s current ruby version doesn’t match with the ruby version vim supports… A temporary solution is to set rvm ruby version manually to match that of vims a quick checkup is to see if the following two matches vim --version (very last few lines after linking) vs. which ruby